Power Archetypes


Enter the land of the archetypes and create cash on command.

There are archetypes in your psyche that govern your ability to create the money you want in your business.

Some archetypes make you magnetic. Some throw you into Shadow so you’re constantly struggling to land clients. Some of them are sneaky. Some of them are confusing. Some of them trick you. And it’s extremely imperative to get to know these archetypes inside and out if you’re going to learn to manifest on demand.

Become the one who blows their minds.

The more you become a master at working with the Power archetypes of consciousness, not only will your magnetic field of energy be so fucking pure, and vibrant and impactful – your own flavor of magic starts to come online and you become UNSTOPPABLE.

This is the secret key to becoming an INSTANT authority in your field overnight.

There’s a certain skill set you develop when you get very intimate with the archetypes: You develop a bullshit radar. And you know what that makes you?
Someone who blows your clients’ minds (and your own) with how easily you can identify what their problem REALLY is. FINALLY someone who knows what the fuck is REALLY going on.
Saving them hours, months, years, and thousands of dollars.
They will pay you ANYTHING you ask for because you will SOLVE THE MYSTERY for them.

 I say Power Mastery is the new bible. It came into my life just when I was tired of shadow alchemy, I hated doing it my body resisted. If one takes the new consciousness seriously the archetypes are understood and one can go through tremendous progress and magic not only in business but in everyday life. I am not a coach. I am an ordinary person who has not accepted that there is only the law of attraction and that I have to be in Zen and in flow all the time to get things to go my way. In any case, it should be taught as a compulsory subject in schools.

Erika Foldi

Here’s an energetic twist: Prospect who requested a payment plan last evening chose the Pay-in-full button today. $2500 closed and paid!

Tracy Poizner

For me… it’s THE thing… I’ve been using it and creating absolute magic with it. I feel like I have been doing this UNCONSCIOUSLY for a while now but I am watching my sessions get much more targeted and have created the wildest synchronicities (which I know is actually me using power)… LOVING this.

Jacqueline Rizk

Just saying…I said no to client who wanted to play Victim. Then she insulted me for not taking her as a client and I felt absolutely nothing. #powermastery

Shasta Townsend

ENTER: Power Archetypes

I’ve created something INSANE for you, where you can see the actual archetypes in your life, understand their nuances and never again let your business, money, clients take your Power. Ever.  I’m going to show you how EACH archetype works, both Shadow & Power, and how to use the power of ARCHETYPAL ACTION to instantly power through illusion (and create massive cash on the other side).

Last year I went through this incredibly painful experience in which I unwittingly outsourced the measure of my value in a space of seduction and affirmation. Then I destroyed the mirror – the space of affirmation and reflection and the TOWER event occurred. It damn near destroyed me. But finally, I think I have come through it. WOW! The POWER of destroying that reflection.

I am finally coming to understand the real value I offered and how not holding that value within my own heart was damn near fatal.

I am so excited about where my work is going now.  Sonika and Naveed have provided such incredible insights that supported me through this extinguishing of my false self as held in the mirror of shadow. Thank you both.

Rebecka Eggers

I have been struggling to stop eating Sweets, bad carbs and to be on a fasting lifetime because I became pre diabetic after having my Son 2 years ago. I watched all the Power Mastery videos- did the Power work the best I can – my taste for Sweets, carbs, unhealthy foods for diabetes is completely gone and I am fasting 18 hours a day effortlessly- I feel so much clarity in body and in Mind.

Marie Cherilien

Power Mastery is the process of injecting Power into VERY SPECIFIC actions that result in next-level, unimaginable results. This eliminates the entire need for mindset work, Shadow work, and time-consuming rituals.

Want to say how grateful I am to you two for sharing Power Mastery. It comes at the perfect time for me and is providing some of the missing stepping stones and pieces I was so puzzled about. A million thanks.

Jessica Brannen

I manifested a shitshow with the kids today, then turned the situation back with Power Mastery. INSTANT shift. Liquid Gold is like a quantum-field hypermagnet.

Sylvia Swann

I originally wanted to transfer my business space to someone else. And ask for an acquisition for that. But now, all kinds of other things are starting to come up. I recognized it and am going along with it. I have rented out my space twice now and caught €900 for it instead of trying very hard.
The one person planning to rent it more often is a French Opera teacher and such a special woman. I understood immediately that Genius had intended this for me. She works with women in exactly the age group and the kind of woman I want to work with. She told me that many women have trouble performing on stage, and wants to forward these women to me.
All in all, a great experience!

Monique Meijer

What you get inside

Power Archetypes is an INSANE 10-module course that will teach you exactly how to access Power and how to apply these archetypes to each situation in your business.

Never again will you wonder why you aren’t making sales or attracting clients. Never again will you have trouble with being a CEO of your multi-million dollar empire.

It all begins here.

Get access for a one-time payment of £499

  • 9 x trainings that teach you how to work with the archetypes, bust your Shadow and take specific money-creating actions.
  • Power Archetypes text book explaining the entire step by step process.
  • Your Power Realm training (aka leave the spiritual rat-race)

Meet Sonika Asif

Archetypal Business Alchemist | CEO

Sonika has been working with coaches & entrepreneurs for almost a decade, helping them build massively successful businesses.

After years of intense training under world-renowned spiritual & business mentors, today she works with cutting-edge spiritual entrepreneurs to help activate + position their Genius by decoding their offers, marketing content and sales conversations, ultimately creating a formula that works precisely for them.

She is here to create a new wave of spiritual entrepreneurs who are rock-solid in their authority with a high-level of energy mastery.  The spiritual leaders who mentor with her are changing the industry one client at a time, bringing high standards, luxury and artistic precision to the spiritual business world.

Meet Naveed Asif

Archetypal Sales Genius | President

After eight years of diving deep into the Law of Attraction world and working with the best sales mentors in the personal development industry, Naveed is here to share his journey with you on how he escaped his own mental prison of analysis-paralysis and countless days of waking up with anxiety trying to achieve sales goal after sales goal.

Today he has created his very own “Sales Spellbook” that has helped him and his clients close deals in the millions.

He is about the Art of the Sale. The elixir that morphs the buyer from a “Maybe” to a solid “Yes.” The custom, curated moment of silence before the deal closes holds the answer; and Naveed knows how to upgrade spiritual entrepreneurs from mere Salespeople to  Sales Alchemists that design the sales conversation from start to finish. He is here to bring the Fool to the boardroom, the Alchemist to the negotiation table, and the world’s first “Archetypal Sales” training to your people.