Power Archetypes


Enter the land of the archetypes and create cash on command.

There are archetypes in your psyche that govern your ability to create the money you want in your business.

Some archetypes make you magnetic. Some throw you into Shadow so you’re constantly struggling to land clients. Some of them are sneaky. Some of them are confusing. Some of them trick you. And it’s extremely imperative to get to know these archetypes inside and out if you’re going to learn to manifest on demand.

Not understanding their nuances completely, is the cause of your struggle. It’s the reason why every other method you have tried works temporarily. Like slapping a bandaid on a wound you never stitched up. You feel a little better, but the issue gets worse.

Power Archetypes is an INSANE 10-module course that will teach you exactly how to access Power and how to apply these archetypes to each situation in your business.

Never again will you wonder why you aren’t making sales or attracting clients. Never again will you have trouble with being a CEO of your multi-million dollar empire.

It all begins here.

Get access for a one-time payment of £499

  • 9 x trainings that teach you how to work with the archetypes, bust your Shadow and take specific money-creating actions.
  • Power Archetpes text book explaining the entire step by step process.
  • Your Power Realm training (aka leave the spiritual rat-race)



